SwissEurobot 2014 : Prehistobot

BFH - Burgdorf
Dates |
The 23th and 24th May 2014 |
Description |
This year, robots go back in time to discover prehistory! In this hostile environment, they will need to have strategy and courage to complete the tasks that lie ahead…
- Mammoths: robots can throw as many spears at mammoths as possible
- Fresco: robots can leave their footprints in history
- Picking fruits: robots can collect as many fruits as possible
- Fire conquest: robots can take over fires
- Capture mammoths: robots can capture a mammoth at the end of the match
Rules |
Download PDF |
3D |
Final result:
- CVRA (Renens)
- IceHSR (Rapperswil)
- RCR (Rapperswil)
- RTFM (Fribourg)
- Robo Sapiens Bernensis (Burgdorf)
- RCA (Aachen, Germany)
- RRT (Wels, Austria)
- E-Robot (St-Imier)
- CRH (Yverdon-les-Bains)
- Freeways - hepia (Genève)
- EMBA (Sion)
- Berner Robotik Team (Bienne)
- Starbug (Liberec, Czech republic)
- Projet&Tech, (St-Etienne, France)
- RIR, Robotique des ingénieurs de Roanne (France)
Catégorie "Open", only two foreign teams are allowed in the 8 firsts.
Photos de la coupe: