SwissEurobot 2013 : Happy Birthday !

HES-SO Valais - Sion |
Dates |
The 3rd and 4th May 2013 |
Description |
This year, robots want to celebrate their birthday in an unforgettable way. For this purpose, a set of actions will be proposed in order to score as many points as possible with their guests.
- The gifts: robots must unwrap the gifts in order to reveal its content.
- The candles: robots must blow out as many candles as possible (and cooperate to blow even more candles).
- The fruit juice fountain: robots must serve drinks to the guests.
- The cherries on the cake: robots must put as many cherries as possible on the top of the cake. Beware of the rotten cherries!
- The party: at the end of the game, stationary robots can blow up embedded balloons.
Rules |
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- Motefiore (Liège, Belgique)
- CRH (Yverdon-les-Bains)
- EMBA (Sion)
- CVRA (Renens)
- E-Robot (St-Imier)
- Cubot (Les Yverlines, France)
- Hyperbolicus (Burgdorf)
- RTFM (Fribourg)
- Projet&Tech, (St-Etienne, France)
- RCR (Rapperswil)
- M-Droid (Rapperswil)
- Berner Robotik Team (Bienne)
- Robotique des ingénieurs de Roanne (France)
- Mecatronique INSAT (Tunis, Tunisie)
- Club Commande Embarquée (Tunis, Tunisie)
Catégorie "Open", only two foreign teams are allowed in the 8 firsts.
Photos de la coupe: