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SwissEurobot 2010 : Feed the world

Table 2010

Location Rapperswil-Jona
Dates 27-30 May 2010
Description After playing rugby, bowling, have sorted waste, have collected samples on Mars, and built temples, this year we collect food, fruits, cereals and vegetables to make reservations and redistribute them to those in need.
Our robots will have to collect as much as possible cereals, fruits or vegetables.
The matches involve two teams, one playing blue, and the other yellow. Each team may enter only one robot. The matches last 90 seconds.
The robots begin in the starting zones of their colour, located in one of the back corners of the table. The playing elements are available for the robots in different places on the table, either on the ground in predefined and random positions or in elevated positions. All the playing elements are common to both teams.
The collected elements have to be put in the containers in front of the table (one container per team).
The most difficult elements to catch are the heaviest.
Thus, the robot that wins will be the one that will put the most weight in its container.
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1. CRH
2. Rhe RappIds, Rapperswil
4. RCR
5. Catschadura, Buchs SG
6. E-Robot, Saint-Imier
7. Rulbi, Sion
8. Triporteur, Fribourg
9. Legomotion, Rapperswil

Catégorie "Open"

Pictures during the contest:







Canton de Vaud


Hébergé par Ganesh Hosting
